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Restraining Order

Arizona Attorney to Challenge a Restraining Order

If you have been served with a restraining order, have someone trying to put a restraining order on you, or have been charged with violating a restraining order, you want an experienced lawyer to protect your constitutional rights. You could lose the right to see your children or to own/possess any type of weapon. You may be forced to find a new place to live. You want an experienced attorney to stand up for you, one who has successfully protected the rights of others in similar situations.

I will prepare and file any documentation required during the process and will aggressively protect your interests in all hearings. When you are served with a restraining order, you have a right to request a hearing with the judge, which must be set within 5-10 days of your request. I will attend the hearing on your behalf and will exercise your right to cross-examine the party seeking the restraining order. When appropriate, I will seek to have the order either quashed (dismissed) or modified to allow reasonable access to your children or restored right to possess/use weapons.

To schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced Phoenix restraining order attorney, Contact my office online or call me at 602-795-0770 for an appointment.

Protective Order? Restraining Order? Injunction Against Harassment?

These are all different names for similar orders that prevent contact with a particular person or persons. The difference between a Restraining Order and an Injunction Against Harassment has more to do with the relationship of the parties involved rather than the actions or contact that is sought to be prohibited or regulated.

Phoenix Restraining Order Attorney

I protect the rights of defendants in cases involving restraining orders, whether the order seeks to prevent access to or contact with a spouse, sibling, child, roommate, date, or anyone with whom you have lived or had a child. I will also handle the defense of requests for injunctions against harassment based on any other type of non-domestic relationship.

Violated an Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment?

While having a restraining order or an injunction against harassment in effect against you is a civil matter, if you are accused of violating the order, the charge will become a criminal offense. The criminal charge, "Contempt of Court" or "Interference with Judicial Proceedings" can subject you to jail, probation, fines, and potentially mandatory counseling. It can even carry a domestic violence stigma.

For those reasons, you need an aggressive, experienced attorney on your side to ensure the orders are either quashed or modified in the first place to avoid criminal prosecution or to defend you against false allegations or unavoidable violation of the order.

My in office consultation is free.

Call for a Free Consultation

From the moment you retain our aggressive criminal defense team, you will work directly with Certified Criminal Law Specialist, Rachelle S. Ferraro.

Main Office
602-795-0351 (fax)
Mon: 08:30am - 05:00pm
Tue: 08:30am - 05:00pm
Wed: 08:30am - 05:00pm
Thu: 08:30am - 05:00pm
Fri: 08:30am - 05:00pm
